By John Mini Distinctive Landscapes, Posted in What's Happening At John Mini

Ever since I was a young kid, I have had a fascination with numbers. Yes, numbers and mathematics were a thing that long ago!  My dad was a bit of a numbers guy and he saw an ability early on, which he fostered.  We would be riding in the car and out of nowhere he would ask me a math probl... read more.

  • March 29, 2021

By John Mini Distinctive Landscapes, Posted in What's Happening At John Mini

One of my favorite parts about my job is my ability to directly impact nature everyday! I’m proud to say I’m part of a green/organic organization. We use 0 chemicals or pesticides! We treated this lawn 100% organically in the Spring and got phenomenal results. By choo... read more.

  • March 31, 2021

By John Mini Distinctive Landscapes, Posted in What's Happening At John Mini

Driven by passion, the people of our community inspire us every day. This past year has emphasized that we need to cultivate unity and recognize sincerity. We are sharing their stories, in the hopes that they do the same for you. "New York City’s over 550 community gardens offer open space,... read more.

  • April 02, 2021

By John Mini Distinctive Landscapes, Posted in What's Happening At John Mini

Are you right brain dominant or left brain dominant? Right brain-ers are more creative, rhythmic, holistic thinking, intuition-based folk, while left brain-ers are the strategic, mathematical, logistical fact checkers who crave order. Well, personally, I hate that question because I&n... read more.

  • April 15, 2021

By John Mini Distinctive Landscapes, Posted in What's Happening At John Mini

During the pandemic my family and I decided to build a garden. A place we can go to disconnect from what’s going on around us during these trying times. Working at John Mini and being able to see the different landscaping designs and presentations, it inspired us to start from the ground up. I... read more.

  • May 11, 2021

By John Mini Distinctive Landscapes, Posted in What's Happening At John Mini

As a 2-year new home owner I finally was able to work on my front house planter bed. As you can see on the image with nothing in it, my son and l added some spring color to brighten the planter bed giving it a warm welcoming to home sweet home. John Mini supplied all these beautiful flowers and with... read more.

  • May 17, 2021

By John Mini Distinctive Landscapes, Posted in What's Happening At John Mini

I consider myself very lucky that what was once just a hobby for me is now a part of my career! I’ve always been big on houseplants in particular so I thrive in exploring new ways to get creative with my indoor plant design and horticultural skills. That being said, wh... read more.

  • June 02, 2021

By John Mini Distinctive Landscapes, Posted in What's Happening At John Mini

As I reflect on the past 3 years here at John Mini, I can’t remember a day where I felt I haven’t learned, grown or simply became better. I’ve worked with almost every department trying to give a helping hand where I can so we can deliver the high quality of work we here at John Mi... read more.

  • June 08, 2021