Sustainable Showroom

Indoor Landscaping  |   NYC, NY


Design | Installation

From Rendering to Reality

The aim of this office furniture showroom was to promote calm and productive workspace layouts so potential clients could envision these functional environments within their own office space. Within the showroom there are clean and tasteful furniture arrangements to demonstrate how a workspace can provide an outlet for employees to tap into their creativity.

Adding live plants to a space which harnesses both form and function requires a refined palette. As the furniture products needed to take precedence in the showroom, we meticulously edited the plants to ensure they did not overwhelm the overall design. The plants were to read sculptural and tailored to accent the space with a touch of warmth. Together with the showroom designers, our team connected over several visits to ensure each plant had purpose and intention to the space where it would live. The challenge we faced was finding the right plant style while also ensuring each variety had the right environment to survive. With mostly low light throughout the space, the varieties of greenery became limited. Each breakout space within the showroom required its own design discussion to ensure the plants and furniture existed in harmony.   



By focusing on key areas and incorporating subtle, strategically placed plant accents, we succeeded in enhancing the showroom’s environment without detracting from its primary function. These thoughtful touches not only beautify the space but also offer visitors a moment of tranquility and inspiration as they explore the possibilities for their own office layouts.

Liana Hutcheon



The design process began as most do, with a walkthrough of the space to share initial thoughts. From there we created a first draft of the plant placement with options of different varieties suitable for each location. After further consideration, we did a second walk through with those varieties in mind, to look at each space in detail. The planters were sourced by the client with collaboration from our team on sizing and style. Once everything was finalized, ordered and delivered, we installed in the intended locations.

A final walkthrough once installed brought about additional tweaks to ensure each plant truly looked at home within the space. First impressions are important for their clientele, so it was imperative to get the look just right from the moment you walk out of the elevator.  
By focusing on key areas throughout the showroom, we were able to enhance rather than overwhelm this space’s true purpose. Smaller accent plants on the bookshelves feel like hidden treasures for visitors to find upon their tours.  

Maintenance of these plants held top precedence to ensure any fallen debris or yellowing leaves did not detract from the perfectly curated overall vision. Staying on top of clean up and general care is crucial to the success of this account to ensure that is always photoshoot ready!


Liana Hutcheon

Liana Hutcheon

Frankie Lanzano

Frankie Lanzano