Frame of Green

Indoor Landscaping  |   Morristown, NJ


Design | Installation

Indoor Plantings  |  Living Walls

Bringing Nature Inside

An existing client approached us to determine the feasibility of installing a Living Wall inside of the lobby of their hospital reception area. The lobby was modern and renovated, but they wanted to provide a signature focal point to liven up the space. Based on their trust in our firm given our work together at other parts of the hospital, they looked to our knowledge and capabilities to lead the project. 
The existing wall was a very expensive, solid wood panel system, so any renovations had to be approached with expert planning and care. The wall structure was also curved, so the living wall system frame would have to be custom fabricated to match the radius of the existing space. Ultimately, we agreed that a 12’ x 12’ framed living wall would be the perfect size for the space.



The frame is constructed from layers of MDO plywood that are slotted to fit custom bent ledgers to accommodate the soft curve of the wall surface. The structure is finished in a mirror polished stainless steel that was laser cut and bent to slot over the frame with mitered edges to give it a classic look.

Andrew Coslow



The client had concerns on the potential for water to get behind the system and damage the wood wall, so we created a completely enclosed system. Our in-house fabrication team created a polished nickel plated steel frame to match the pre-existing trim finishes on the adjacent walls. The frame was completed first, and had to be handled very delicately, as with the mirror finish, any fingerprints or smudges would show.

Precise measurement and fabrication of the frame was crucial, as all of the Living Wall components needed to fit perfectly inside. Our installation team rose to the challenges that were faced. Installation could only be performed after hours, as we could not block off the main entrance to the hospital lobby. Our team of certified lift operators safely installed the frame and Living Wall system. Proper OSHA harnessing was utilized throughout the installation. Our designer for the plant palette consulted with the client to select plant textures and colors that matched their existing aesthetic and brand.

The living wall serves as a signature focal point, creating a sense of tranquility and connection to nature within the hospital. The meticulous design, custom fabrication, and careful installation not only preserves the integrity of the existing wood panel system but also showcases the hospital's commitment to quality and aesthetics, leaving a lasting impression on everyone who enters the lobby.

The choice of plant textures and colors harmonized with the medical center's branding and aesthetics, promoting a cohesive and visually pleasing atmosphere. Paired with the bi-weekly care provided by the expert horticultural team keeps the living wall in impeccable condition, demonstrating the hospital's dedication to sustaining a healing environment for both patients and staff.

This living wall project not only adds aesthetic charm but also contributes to the hospital's environmental responsibility. It serves as a natural air purifier, enhancing indoor air quality and promoting a healthier atmosphere. Its presence conveyes the hospital's commitment to sustainable, patient-centered design while offering a breath of fresh air to those who enters.


Liana Hutcheon

Liana Hutcheon

Andrew Coslow

Andrew Coslow

Betty Wilson

Betty Wilson

This project took shape in the midst of the pandemic when there was a necessity for safe spaces that provided a sense of calm and serenity, especially where people felt most vulnerable. This wall, with the sign “Just Breathe” underneath, provided visitors just that.

Liana Hutcheon

Liana Hutcheon