As the holidays wind down, you start thinking about the new year. The holidays serve as a thankful reminder of a great past year, but you still want to make ideal changes. January is a perfect time to start planning your new year’s garden. Since there’s not much work yet to do outdoors, you can utilize the warm coziness of the indoors to think about how to maintain and enhance your garden from last year. Experiential beauty is the goal, and beauty waits for no one, so let’s get started.
Plan Your Garden

Now’s the time to plan and sketch your new garden plan. Take note of what plants you want to remove and which ones you want to add. Don’t forget to attract the buzz, the pollinators that is, and look for seasonal plants that mesh well with your plan.
Repot and Add Color

Which of your plants are outgrowing their pots? Since the garden shops are less frequented in the winter, you can shop easier and ask available gardeners more questions about adding color, indoors and outdoors. You might also find some sweet deals and save some cash.
Order Seeds, Plants, & Tools

After you’ve planned and talked to gardeners about your new garden plan, start looking on and offline for the seeds and plants that will fill your spaces. Are you growing food this year? Is there a waiting list for that obscure plant that you drooled over in that uptown window? Are you working with the right tools? Now’s the time to gather what you want and need.
Start Seedlings

Depending on where you live, you’ll want to count backwards from the last typical frost date to plant your seedlings accordingly. You’ll want to keep your seedlings in a warm place and move them into a sunny place after they germinate. Lights should be about six inches from plants and they should be taken outdoors in the warming months for a couple hours daily once they reach planting size.
While you start checking off your January garden checklist, you may find other important things to consider along the way. Use this John Mini January checklist as a bedrock to unpack and kick off your gardening goals for the year, and give us a call for more expert advice and to get the best from your home or business gardens.