John Mini Provides 3 Ways to Celebrate National Garden Mediation Day

John Mini Provides 3 Ways to Celebrate National Garden Mediation Day

May 3rd, 2019 is Garden Meditation Day. What does that mean and how can you celebrate? Conscious Life Shop points out that “being in nature reduces anxiety.” Meaning, while we are among nature, we feel a sense of ease, as we are grounded with Mother Nature. Not to mention, fresh air can do wonders for you! John Mini Distinctive Landscapes encourages you to participate in National Garden Meditation Day. You’ll feel like a new person!

Before we dive into how to utilize this “holiday,” let’s talk about how you can transform your garden into a relaxing, outdoor meditation-driven area!

The first thing you can do is add a stone pathway to or through your garden, along with a seating area. Gardens are nice to look at, but even nicer if you can sit and enjoy the beauty around you.

Second, add a water feature such as a fountain or a birdbath! The sound of water paired with birds singing and the natural sounds around you makes your garden a soothing and calming area.

Lastly, add plants! What is a garden without plants? When deciding which plants you want to add, think about complementing colors in the flowers against the greens as well as the certain scents you’ll get from particular flowers and plants. For example, planting some lavender will relax you by just looking at it let alone smelling it!

Once you have transformed your garden, you’ll be ready for National Garden Meditation Day. You can participate by taking care of the plants in your own space, sitting in your new seating area while taking in the sounds of nature, or adding some activity like Yoga.

Talk to John Mini Distinctive Landscapes today with any questions or requests for landscape services. If your business needs a new area for your employees to enjoy while on their break, contact us! If you own a large property and are looking to create something amazing, give us a call. We’d love to talk about your proposed project! We look forward to hearing from you, (845)-581-9792.



John Mini Distinctive Landscapes

John Mini Distinctive Landscapes

With over 40 years of experience pushing the limits of landscaping, John Mini designs, constructs and maintains indoor, outdoor, and holiday landscapes for corporate and commercial clients in the Tri-State area.