John Mini Distinctive Landscapes Shares Indoor Landscape Trends

John Mini Distinctive Landscapes Shares Indoor Landscape Trends

When you walk into your office, you don’t want to dread being there, especially on Mondays. Plants are proven to make the office a more pleasant place to be, mentally and physically. Being around plants in the office reduces stress, enhances productivity, boosts creativity, and more. John Mini Distinctive Landscapes believes in the power of plants, so here are some indoor landscape trends to consider for your commercial building!

White Planters


One of the most popular indoor landscape trends is a variety of plants in white planters around the office. White planters give a classy, clean appearance and go well against any colored wall. Not only does the white pop itself, but the plant it holds is also more noticeable, showing off the green leaves and any other color it includes. A great example is the Peace Lily. Not only will it provide color, but also put a smile on your face.

Hanging Baskets


Another great trend is hanging baskets. You can place numerous different plants in these and hang them by the nearest windows, but one of the best plants to display in your hanging basket is the Spider plant. They are simple, low-maintenance, and beautiful to look at with their long, green leaves. These plants are also known to decrease dust, which helps employees with allergies and provides cleaner air.

Living Walls


If you really want your employees to enjoy coming to work or to have a relaxing area for your clients, living walls are the best go-to. What’s more relaxing than a wall that breathes, giving off color and design? To make it pop, add a variety of plants with different shades of green and aim lights to filter through the leaves for a dramatic flare. These walls will impress clients and visitors while providing a calm visual for your employees. If wanted, your business name or logo can be created with the plants into this living wall. That alone will make your company stand out among others. 

Atrium Bamboo Garden


One last great suggestion to add to your building is an Atrium Bamboo Garden. If you have the room, a bamboo garden in your lobby will create a relaxing, zen environment for your employees and clients. But before you consider a bamboo garden, be sure you have ample light in the space!

Plants do wonders! If you want to increase the air quality, productivity, and creativity, within your office, an indoor landscape is the answer. John Mini Distinctive Landscapes wants you to have the office environment that you deserve. Contact us today for your indoor or outdoor commercial landscape needs. We look forward to hearing from you. 


John Mini Distinctive Landscapes

John Mini Distinctive Landscapes

With over 40 years of experience pushing the limits of landscaping, John Mini designs, constructs and maintains indoor, outdoor, and holiday landscapes for corporate and commercial clients in the Tri-State area.